5 Rules of Contingent Contract under Indian Contract Act, 1872

Contingent Contract

Contracts are of two types. The first one is an absolute contract and the other is a conditional contract (contingent contract). In an absolute contract where no condition is needed for making an agreement but under a contingent contract, there is a condition that has to be fulfilled. The agreement depends on the happening or … Read more

What are Bailor and Bailee under Indian Contract Act 1872?

What are Bailor and Bailee under Indian Contract Act 1872?

The bailment is defined in the Indian Contract Act. Bailment is used regularly in our daily life. When one person gives his goods to another person for a specific time limit. So to protect the rights of the parties the contract of bailment is required. It is a legal relationship between them who can make … Read more

What is an Agreement and Contract under Indian Contract Act 1872

What is an Agreement and Contract under Indian Contract Act 1872

The Indian Contract Act is one of the oldest laws in the country. It came into force on 1872 on 1st September. It provides rules and guidelines to help in the formation and regulation of the contract in an organized way. This contract Act provides rules to help disputes arising in the contract. 266 sections … Read more