5 Rules of Contingent Contract under Indian Contract Act, 1872

Contingent Contract

Contracts are of two types. The first one is an absolute contract and the other is a conditional contract (contingent contract). In an absolute contract where no condition is needed for making an agreement but under a contingent contract, there is a condition that has to be fulfilled. The agreement depends on the happening or … Read more

7 Different Ways You Can Protect Your Brand Name

Protect Your Brand Name

The brand name of your business is more than a label. It is the identity of your brand. With a creative name, more customers are attracted to you. Nowadays people are going to those businesses which provide them good quality or good services. But in this era, there are many brands with similar names. So … Read more

Drivers licensing under Motor Vehicle Act,1988

Drivers licensing under Motor Vehicle Act,1988

The Motor Vehicle Act, of 1988 is approved by the Indian parliament. It includes all the issues regarding road transport vehicles. The Motor Vehicle Act came into force on 1 July 1989. This act provides the rule regulation for every individual relating to traffic rules driver licenses, liabilities, penalties, etc. It is a law related … Read more