What is Abetment under IPC?

what is abetment?

According to Chapter V of the Indian Penal Code, even if a person has not committed the crime, they cannot be discharged of all allegations, if they have conspired to commit it. The law of abetment has made the law broader in penalizing these threatening intents. What is Abetment? Abetment means to instigate, provoke, or … Read more

General Exceptions Under IPC

general exceptions

The IPC provides for certain situations where conduct that would otherwise constitute an offence is not punishable. These are known as “general exceptions” and are outlined in sections 76 to 106. These exceptions are crucial as they recognize circumstances where an individual’s actions are justified or excused due to specific conditions. The exceptions are differentiated … Read more



Under Indian Contract, section 124 defines a contract of indemnity. A legally binding agreement exists when one party guarantees the other that they will protect him from any harm that may come to him. For example: the simplest way to understand the indemnity contract is to look at the insurance contract. The insurance company made … Read more

Format to file Application Under Order 21 Rule 11 CPC

Format to file Application Under Order 21 Rule 11 CPC

Application of execution of decree comes under order 27 rule 11 of the Civil Procedure Code. Let’s discuss how the application of execution of decree format made- Decree before made up- Sometimes a decree may be passed by the court verbally before it is formally written in the document. Execution application- the decree-holder has to … Read more

How many Writs are in the Indian Constitution?

How many Writs are in the Indian Constitution?

A writ is an official written order issued by a judicial authority. The courts like supreme and high courts have the power to issue a writ petition. The writs are borrowed by England in India. The word Writs means command in writing issued by the court. Writs are issued by the Supreme Court under Article … Read more

What is Decree and Judgments?

What is Decree and Judgments

Decree Introduction: – A decree is an official order that is issued by a legal authority, like a Judge. The term Decree comes under Section 2(2) of the Civil Procedure Code. Decree plays an important role in a civil suit. Court judicially all the disputes in the suit, and determined the right of parties about … Read more

Special Protection to Prisoners Under Human Rights

Special Protection to Prisoners Under Human Rights

Introduction In every penal system, imprisonment is a special feature to protect society against heinous crimes. At present more than 5 lakh inmates are in jail and around half of the prisoners are undergoing trial. Earlier, the condition of the prisoners was worse as they were treated brutally with no rights given to them. However, … Read more