What is Abetment under IPC?

what is abetment?

According to Chapter V of the Indian Penal Code, even if a person has not committed the crime, they cannot be discharged of all allegations, if they have conspired to commit it. The law of abetment has made the law broader in penalizing these threatening intents. What is Abetment? Abetment means to instigate, provoke, or … Read more

General Exceptions Under IPC

general exceptions

The IPC provides for certain situations where conduct that would otherwise constitute an offence is not punishable. These are known as “general exceptions” and are outlined in sections 76 to 106. These exceptions are crucial as they recognize circumstances where an individual’s actions are justified or excused due to specific conditions. The exceptions are differentiated … Read more



Under Indian Contract, section 124 defines a contract of indemnity. A legally binding agreement exists when one party guarantees the other that they will protect him from any harm that may come to him. For example: the simplest way to understand the indemnity contract is to look at the insurance contract. The insurance company made … Read more

5 Rules of Contingent Contract under Indian Contract Act, 1872

Contingent Contract

Contracts are of two types. The first one is an absolute contract and the other is a conditional contract (contingent contract). In an absolute contract where no condition is needed for making an agreement but under a contingent contract, there is a condition that has to be fulfilled. The agreement depends on the happening or … Read more

7 Different Ways You Can Protect Your Brand Name

Protect Your Brand Name

The brand name of your business is more than a label. It is the identity of your brand. With a creative name, more customers are attracted to you. Nowadays people are going to those businesses which provide them good quality or good services. But in this era, there are many brands with similar names. So … Read more

Drivers licensing under Motor Vehicle Act,1988

Drivers licensing under Motor Vehicle Act,1988

The Motor Vehicle Act, of 1988 is approved by the Indian parliament. It includes all the issues regarding road transport vehicles. The Motor Vehicle Act came into force on 1 July 1989. This act provides the rule regulation for every individual relating to traffic rules driver licenses, liabilities, penalties, etc. It is a law related … Read more

Citizenship in India under the Indian Constitution

Citizenship in India under the Indian Constitution

History When independence declared the country was divided into two parts: India and the other was Pakistan. The people were independent and could choose any country they wanted their nationality. Due to this, they need strict provisions to frame the nationality policy of India before the commencement of the constitution. Citizenship It is defined as … Read more

What are Bailor and Bailee under Indian Contract Act 1872?

What are Bailor and Bailee under Indian Contract Act 1872?

The bailment is defined in the Indian Contract Act. Bailment is used regularly in our daily life. When one person gives his goods to another person for a specific time limit. So to protect the rights of the parties the contract of bailment is required. It is a legal relationship between them who can make … Read more

Proclamation and Attachment Under Code of Criminal Procedure

Proclamation and Attachment Under Code of Criminal Procedure

A proclamation is an announcement in the public forum. When the court needs the person for his trial in the case proceeding and the accused if the accused avoids being present after receiving the summons. The court can issue an arrest warrant to bring the accused to the court. Proclamation is mentioned under sections 82 … Read more

What is an Agreement and Contract under Indian Contract Act 1872

What is an Agreement and Contract under Indian Contract Act 1872

The Indian Contract Act is one of the oldest laws in the country. It came into force on 1872 on 1st September. It provides rules and guidelines to help in the formation and regulation of the contract in an organized way. This contract Act provides rules to help disputes arising in the contract. 266 sections … Read more