How is Ancestral Property Divided?

How is Ancestral Property Divided?

Ancestral property is a property to which you have a right since your birth and you inherit this property from your parents they inherit from their parents. The ancestral property act is defined under the Hindu Succession Act, of 1956. It applies to all Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, and Buddhists. Types of property Ancestral property Self … Read more

What is Decree and Judgments?

What is Decree and Judgments

Decree Introduction: – A decree is an official order that is issued by a legal authority, like a Judge. The term Decree comes under Section 2(2) of the Civil Procedure Code. Decree plays an important role in a civil suit. Court judicially all the disputes in the suit, and determined the right of parties about … Read more

What is Void and voidable marriage?

What is Void and voidable marriage?

What is Void and voidable marriage? The marriage concept is to form a relationship between husband and wife. Marriage is religiously very pure. According to Section 5, the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 accepted Hindu marriage as a religious ceremony. It binds husband and wife to perform religious duties. Divorce or nullity was not recognized … Read more