Legal Notice Format Under NI Act

Legal Notice Format Under NI Act




Dated 19th day of January 2024 at Chamba




_______  S/o Sh. _________ R/o V.P.O__________ Tehsil and  District ________H.P.

Subject: Legal Notice under section 138 Negotiable Instrument Act.



Under instructions from my client___________  S/o Sh. ________ R/o ___________, P/O__________ Tehsil and District _______ H.P. I do hereby serve you with this notice to the following effects: –


  1. That my client is the permanent resident of above-mentioned address.                                                                                                                
  2. That you are well known to my client. In the month of April 2023, you approached my client and asked him to lend you a sum of Rs.20,000/- (Twenty thousand only) as the same was required by you to meet some domestic need. Since you are well known to my client, so my client accepted your request and lent you Rs.20,000/- (Twenty thousand only). It was agreed between you and my client that you shall pay back the money lent to you in January 2024.


  1. That in the month of January 2024 my client approached you and requested you to pay back Rs.20,000/-(Twenty thousand only). You in order to discharge the liability you have issued a cheque No._______ dated 15-12-2024 drawn on your account No. ______________ being maintained with HP STATE CO-OP. BANK LTD.


  1. That my client presented the aforesaid cheque with his banker at STATE BANK OF INDIA Branch Chamba for encashment but the same has been returned by the banker unpaid with the endorsement “FUNDS INSUFFICENT” vide return memo dated 15-01-2024 by his banker i.e STATE BANK OF INDIA Branch Chamba.  


  1. That you have issued a bogus Cheque to my client with the intention to cheat him and to avoid the payment which you owed to my client.


  1. That you have played fraud on my client and have cheated him by issuing a bogus cheque just to avoid the payment of the sum which you owed to my client.

Legal Notice Format Under NI Act

Now through this registered legal notice, I do hereby require and request you to pay Rs.20,000/- ( Twenty thousand only) to my client within the period of fifteen days, otherwise, instructions are with me to initiate legal proceedings against you under section 138 of Negotiable Instruments Act in a court of competent jurisdiction and you shall be liable for its consequences including lawyer fee.

A copy of this notice has been retained in my office for future use, if any. Please note.

Yours Sincerely


Simran Singh Advocate District Courts Chamba HP




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